The guide treats Keratosis Pilaris, Actinic Keratosis, Seborrheic Keratosis and more. Learn the difference between the keratosis conditions. It can even help with dry, itchy and irritated skin!
The Guide Is Versatile
Once you know the secret to how KP works, you can stop it. Learn how your bumps and breakouts are triggered by your internal conditions, and how to turn them off now.
Treat the Cause Not Just the Symptoms:
Most people that have Keratosis Pilaris are sick of dealing with it, after having it for years. The problem with KP is that it's hard to cure on your own!
Do You Feel Powerless?
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Don't Let Keratosis Pilaris Rule Your Life Anymore!
Discover the body's KP switches - and how to turn them off now. Keratosis Pilaris is caused by several factors - to stop them we have to determine which ones are YOUR problems, and shut them off for good.